Quickly narrowing your cabinetry color choices can have a huge impact on jump starting your project. Choosing cabinet colors doesn’t have to be a stressor. One of the biggest challenges in refreshing a kitchen is narrowing the options. “Overwhelm” is a common theme for anyone who is DIYing a kitchen makeover. Too many choices can leave you paralyzed to the project you so desperately want to get underway. One of the most common reasons families hire me for a redesign project is “option overload”. They find it hard to move forward with any decisions because the options seem endless. They struggle with these paralyzing thoughts:
What if I make the wrong choice?
What if a better choices comes along if we just wait awhile longer?
What if……? (you fill in the blank with your fears.)
Feeling defeated right out of the gate when deciding to take on a renovation of any kind is no way to start the process! I’m about to show you a simple way to narrow down your cabinetry color choices. This practical design step is one I use in every design when choosing cabinetry color. You’ll be amazed at how much easier the choices will be when you have taken this simple approach.
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