This was our biggest reDesign project of 2020. It was such a blessing to work with the homeowners to transform this beautiful home. Every room on the main level of this his was transformed over the course of several months.
The Design
When the homeowner contact me, her desire was to simplify her home. “Simplifying” is one of my most favorite things to do. I live by it and even founded a ministry build on that very principle. (You can learn more about that HERE.) She knew she had a lot of cleaning out to do and was seeking someone who could motivate her to get it done. From there she wanted to lighten up her home and showcase all her beautiful furnishings and accessories.
We completely changed the feel of her house with a change in wall color. We used all the furnishings she currently had and simply placed them in a more ideal space in the home to give her a more cohesive look in each room. She desperately wanted a beautiful work area, a space she would be excited to invite her clients in for a consult. We added a few new accessories to top off this transformation. She is in LOVE with her new home and the way she feels in it. These before and after pictures will amaze you.
Before and Afters
From dark and heavy to light and airy!

Get inspired
Don’t stop now! View the entire design gallery for this project and gain some inspiration to make your home beautiful.
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